Plant protection &
Plant care

Are you looking for the right
sprayer or mister?

Cleaning &

Are you looking for the right
sprayer or foam sprayer?

Spraying and spreading with SOLO: the perfect aids for any application

Whether it’s for private use in your own garden or as a professional: with the robust and extremely versatile products from SOLO, you are up to any challenge. Whether it’s for professional plant protection, cleaning and disinfection or use in the building trade – with SOLO you always enjoy the advantages of the highest quality and performance.

Powerful and robust – sprayers and misters from SOLO

For better results: SOLO sprayers are powerful, versatile and offer a high level of convenience during use. Their high quality also makes them extremely robust so they can be used for a long time.

Quality of the production process
SOLO Kleinmotoren GmbH has been a leading international manufacturer of high-quality sprayers and misters since 1948 - with the familiar high German quality standards. 
Flexible to use
Adjustable nozzles & extensive accessories for versatile applications
Quality that pays off,
since 1948
The SOLO EAZY 206 battery-operated sprayer is low-noise & and emission-free for crop protection at home or on the farm, without manual pumping and with constant spray pressure.

European Sprayer Manufacturer Association
SOLO is a member of the ESMA, and together we ensure that the products on the market are safe and of high quality. Safe misters – made in Europe!
Battery-operated sprayers with powerful rechargeable batteries or lithium-ion batteries
Quality of the production process
SOLO Kleinmotoren GmbH has been a leading international manufacturer of high-quality sprayers and misters since 1948 - with the familiar high German quality standards. 
Flexible to use
Adjustable nozzles & extensive accessories for versatile applications
European Sprayer Manufacturer Association
SOLO is a member of the ESMA, and together we ensure that the products on the market are safe and of high quality. Safe misters – made in Europe!
Battery-operated sprayers with powerful rechargeable batteries or lithium-ion batteries

Discover the entire SOLO range

SOLO offers you the right tool for every challenge – whether for use in your own garden, for professional landscape management, in agriculture, forestry, for professional cleaning or in the construction industry.


Would you like professional advice, do you have questions about the products or do you need help with accessories or spare parts? Get in touch! We can help you find an optimal solution at any time. Mon-Fri: 8am to 4pm

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SOLO product & company news

The world is moving faster than ever. For us, too. You will find innovations from the world of SOLO here. Keep up-to-date and well informed with our product and company news.

SOLO versendet klimaneutral
SOLO goes ÖGA!
Happy Birthday to us!
NEU! Drucksprüher 457 - 7L mit Standfuß
NEU! Drucksprüher 305 A mit Standfuß
SOLO product & company news
Wir trauern um unseren Gesellschafter und ehemaligen Geschäftsführer, Herrn Diplom-Ingenieur WOLFGANG EMMERICH der am 2. Januar im Alter von 72 Jahren nach schwerer Krankheit verstorben ist. Wolfgang Emmerich trat 1979 in die SOLO Kleinmotoren GmbH ein und verantwortete zunächst gemeinsam mit seinem Onkel und Firmenmitgründer Heinz Emmerich die Entwicklung und den technischen Bereich der SOLO Produkte. Ab 1984 zeichnete er hierfür allein verantwortlich. 1994 wurde Wolfgang Emmerich gemeinsam mit seinem Bruder Andreas zum Geschäftsführer bestellt und leitete die Geschäfte der Firma SOLO Kleinmotoren bis zu seinem Ausscheiden im Juli 2019. Als passionierter Flieger galt seither seine gesamte Schaffenskraft der SOLO Aircraft Engine GmbH, deren Geschäftsführer und technischer Kopf er bis zu seinem Ableben war. Wolfgang Emmerich hat die Geschicke und den Erfolg beider Firmen in entscheidender Weise mitgeprägt. Mit seiner Persönlichkeit hat er sich die Anerkennung und Wertschätzung von Geschäftspartnern und Mitarbeiter gleichermaßen erworben. Wir danken ihm für seinen engagierten Einsatz für die Unternehmensgruppe und werden ihn in ehrenvoller Erinnerung behalten. Unser tiefes Mitgefühl gilt seiner Familie und allen Angehörigen. Die Geschäftsleitung Der Betriebsrat der SOLO Kleinmotoren GmbH und der SOLO Aircraft Engine GmbH We regret to inform you that our shareholder and former managing director Wolfgang Emmerich passed away on January 2nd at the age of 72 after a serious illness. Wolfgang Emmerich joined SOLO Kleinmotoren GmbH in 1979 and was initially responsible for the development and technical aspects of SOLO products together with his uncle and company co-founder Heinz Emmerich. From 1984 he was solely responsible for this. 1994 he was appointed as Managing Director together with his brother Andreas in 1994 and managed the business of SOLO Kleinmotoren until his retirement in July 2019. As a passionate aviator, he devoted his entire creative energy to SOLO Aircraft Engine GmbH, of which he was Managing Director and technical head until his death. Wolfgang Emmerich played a decisive role in shaping the fortunes and success of both companies. With his personality, he earned the recognition and appreciation of business partners and employees alike. We thank him for his dedicated commitment to the SOLO group of companies and will remember him with honour. Our deepest sympathy goes to his family and all relatives. The Management, The Works Council of SOLO Kleinmotoren GmbH and SOLO Aircraft Engine GmbH
SOLO product & company news
SOLO versendet klimaneutral
Mit dem Versanddienstleister GLS hat SOLO einen zuverlässigen und umweltbewussten Partner gewählt. Für das Jahr 2022 haben wir nun das GLS Klima Protect-Zertifikat erhalten für einen klimaneutralen Versand. Gemeinsam mit GLS unterstützen wir damit das Klimaschutzprojekt "Waldschutz Madre de Dios" in Peru.
GLS Klima Protect – Treibhausgase kompensieren, reduzieren, vermeiden – mit GLS versenden Sie Ihre Pakete nachhaltig.
More informationMehr zum Projekt
SOLO product & company news
SOLO goes ÖGA!
Besuchen Sie uns vom 29.06. - 01.07. auf der ÖGA Koppigen – auf der Schweizer Fachmesse für Garten-, Obst- & Gemüsebau. Mit erstmaliger Vorstellung unserer allerneuesten Produktinnovation. Wir freuen uns auf Sie!
 ÖGA Schweiz. Fachmesse für Garten- Obst und Gemüsebau 📍Bern-Zürich-Strasse 18 3425 Koppigen, Schweiz
SOLO product & company news
Happy Birthday to us!
Happy Birthday .... TO US!!! Vor 74 Jahren wurde die "Kleinmotoren GmbH" gegründet. Heute blicken wir auf eine bewegte und erfolgreiche Geschichte zurück. Und voraus: Auf ein tolles Jubiläum 2023... man darf gespannt sein! Born 1948 and still going strong!
SOLO product & company news
NEU! Drucksprüher 457 - 7L mit Standfuß
Der absolute Profi unter den Drucksprühern, der auch bei hartem Dauereinsatz volle Leistung bringt: der sehr robuste SOLO 457 Drucksprüher mit Standfuß. Mit einer Füllmenge von 7 Litern und einem Druck von 3 Bar ist er der perfekte Helfer für den professionellen Einsatz von Pflanzenschutzmittel auf kleineren Flächen.
✓ Drucksprüher ✓ Schultertragbar ✓ Profisprüher ✓ Überdruckventil ✓ 7 Liter Füllvolumen
SOLO product & company news
NEU! Drucksprüher 305 A mit Standfuß
Der schultertragbare und extrem robuste SOLO Drucksprüher 305 A mit Standfuß, FKM-Dichtungen und 5 Liter Füllvolumen ist für säurehaltige Reinigungsmittel mit niedrigen pH-Werten (1-7) geeignet. Auch resistent gegen Kohlenwasserstoffe (ölhaltige und lösungsmittelhaltige Produkte). Für die professionelle Reinigung von mittleren bis großen Flächen.
✓ FKM Dichtungsmaterial ✓ 5 Liter Drucksprüher ✓ Große Einfüllöffnung ✓ Ergonomischer Handgriff ✓ Chemikalienresistente Flachstrahldüse ✓ Praktischer langer und breiter Tragegurt

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SOLO Kleinmotoren GmbH  
SOLO quality for excellent results. 

SOLO The better choice. SINCE 1948

We have a long tradition of protecting and caring for plants and crops. SOLO Kleinmotoren GmbH was founded more than 70 years ago as a family business in the wine-growing region of Stuttgart. It was based on the development of a lightweight two-stroke engine, which for the first time made it possible to apply large areas of crop protection alone i.e. “solo”. And so arose our brand name.

This novel plant protection technology brought great benefits to the protection and care of vineyards. Local winegrowers were delighted and SOLO products quickly became popular tools for large acreage crops around the world.

SOLO products are still appreciated and used all over the world today because of their high quality, performance and versatile applications. They are used in private gardens, French vineyards, cocoa plantations in Africa, cotton cultivations in Asia, coffee plantations in South America and for blanket disinfection operations in large buildings.

The SOLO crop protection, cleaning and disinfection range offers a wide selection of high-quality and easy-to-use equipment to meet the wide variety of requirements and applications. From small manual sprayers to powerful motor- or battery-powered backpack misters with large fill capacity or innovative foam sprayers – at SOLO you will find the right tool for every application.

→ Learn more about our company   

Pressure sprayers and sprayers for healthy plants

Good growth of shrubs, flowers, balcony and patio plants, fruit or vegetables requires reliable plant protection and care. SOLO’s crop protection sprayers and misters allow you to effectively spray protective and maintenance agents such as insecticides, fungicides, herbicides or fertilisers on your plants so that they grow healthily. 

SOLO also has a high-quality spreader in the range for the even distribution of granules such as seeds and fertiliser. The granulate spreader is also suitable if you want to spread gritting salt on paths and surfaces in winter.

→ Find the ideal mister for your garden  

SOLO pump sprayers for thorough disinfection and cleaning

Aggressive cleaning agents are often used in the household, kitchen, gastronomy, commercial cleaning, industry and the automotive and workshop sectors. The SOLO CLEANLine pressure sprayers are ideal for this – they are chemical-resistant, extremely robust and UV-resistant.

Acid-resistant sprayers

Acidic cleaning agents in pH range 1-7 are often used in commercial building cleaning, vehicles, workshops, sanitary rooms, households, kitchens and gastronomy. Many sprayers cannot cope with acidic agents. The robust sprayers and foam sprayers from the SOLO CLEANLine range have special FKM seals, which allow acidic agents to be applied safely and without any problems. Even media containing oil and solvents can be used with the cleaning sprayers.

Sprayers for alkaline agents and disinfection

Alkaline cleaning agents with a pH value of 7-14 are mostly used for cleaning glass, grease and oil stains as well as protein residues in kitchens and gastronomy, degreasing components in the metal industry and cleaning cars. The SOLO CLEANLine range offers sprayers and foam sprayers with EPDM seals for this purpose. They are suitable for applying disinfectant and can therefore also be used for sterile disinfection in hospitals, swimming pools and outdoor pools.

Clean effectively with foam

Foam is often used as a cleaning agent when longer application times are required for stubborn soiling or when the surfaces should come into contact with as little moisture as possible. The foam sprayers from the SOLO CLEANLine range provide particularly flexible features: the adjustable varioFoam foam nozzle patented by SOLO allows you to adjust the moisture level of the foam as required, even while you are working. Set the wheel to “dry” to release a drier, firmer foam. Turning towards “wet” produces a moist, gel-like foam. 

→ Find the perfect CLEANline pressure sprayer for your demands  

SOLO quality since 1948
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